Today I have decided to give this blog a change around as I want to keep this front page for current news and stuff. You will find I have changed the page at the top to 'Garden History', this will be just to show how we have transformed the garden into where it is until this years' change around.
I'm not feeling to good today , and my back is hurting too much to do anything more than sit and do some to my blogs and then onto to doing some more to one of my model trucks
Saturday was good, as we went to the market in Lymington and bought some new plants back.
The new plants awaiting planting
Th e purchase was for two Birch hedging trees, a climbing Hydrangea of unknown type, a Phlox(Subulata Emerald Cushion), Aquilegia Vulgaris (Black Barlow) and two pots of Crocus (cream beauty), all for the cracking price of just £9!!!
A close up of those wonderful Crocus flowers. These all have double stems coming from each bulb. I thought two pounds for these wasa bit of a bargain. I have planted on pot out on the 'Cody Bed' so that they mingle with the deep purple ones already there.
I also did some seed planting too. I may have done these a week or so too early but it is very mild here so I thought it would be okay. If it does get a bit colder then i have plenty of space on the window ledges for them. The seeds I have sown are Ipomoea (Morning Glory - Inkspots), Consolida Ambigua (Larkspur) and Matthiola Longipetala which sounds a bit made up to me!! those are Night Scented Stock, Starlight Sensation.